Become a marketing specialist:

Each of the training courses above costs £399 each but we have a special offer so you get all of them for only £199 per month based on an annual subscription or £250 per month on the pay as you go plan.

And if that wasn't enough you also get everything below included as well.

Some of the workshops included (worth £199 each):

Get all of this and if you sign up today and as a bonus we will even through in the following as well just to sweeten the pot and to help you succeed with your marketing:

Some of the workshops included (worth £199 each):

Facebook Ads

How to quickly & cheaply run campaigns with as little as £10 per day.

Google Ads

Learn how to setup an account and launch a new search campaign.

Email Follow-Up

Create a follow-up campaign to win back customers and make more sales.

Promo Calendar

Build a promotional calendar that keeps you consistent across all marketing channels and media.

1 Minute Video Ad

The 5 step plan to create a one minute video that turn cold people into buyers and promoters of your business.

Blog Content Engine

A system you can copy to produce new content that gets visitors to your website and generates sales.

FB Lead Magnet

Learn how to build a robot that captures leads for you on Facebook chat so you don't have to.

Instagram Feed

Craft compelling Instagram posts that will help you build brand authority and connect with your audience.

Lead Magnet Builder

Create a lead magnet landing page for your website that provides value and drive you a steady stream of leads.

And get everything above for a low monthly fee: